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About Me
tashi deleg, julley,
Welcome to my site. The main motivation of these pages is to share the beauty of the
Himalayan scenery and its people with others.
I have spent most of my holidays in the last few years in different parts of
the Himalayas and have come to enjoy it more and more with every time I
returned. The landscape, people and culture are stunning, and possibilities for
strenuous exploration and leisurely holidays are endless.
I hope you enjoy the pictures and (admittedly sometimes very)
long diaries.
If you have questions or comments, feel free to get in touch.
I like to hear from people, and am happy to help if I can, but please bear in mind that I am neither a
travel-guru, a travel agent, a scientist or a mountaineer.
I'm just a trekker with a keen interest.
Thanks for visiting,
Carsten Nebel